Frame 8 (73 bytes on wire, 73 bytes captured) Arrival Time: Jul 19, 2012 09:11:25.650228000 [Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.008261000 seconds] [Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.008261000 seconds] [Time since reference or first frame: 2.137075000 seconds] Frame Number: 8 Frame Length: 73 bytes Capture Length: 73 bytes [Frame is marked: False] [Protocols in frame: eth:ip:udp:dns] Ethernet II, Src: 18:03:73:66:e5:68 (18:03:73:66:e5:68), Dst: IPv4mcast_00:00:fb (01:00:5e:00:00:fb) Destination: IPv4mcast_00:00:fb (01:00:5e:00:00:fb) Address: IPv4mcast_00:00:fb (01:00:5e:00:00:fb) .... ...1 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Group address (multicast/broadcast) .... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default) Source: 18:03:73:66:e5:68 (18:03:73:66:e5:68) Address: 18:03:73:66:e5:68 (18:03:73:66:e5:68) .... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast) .... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default) Type: IP (0x0800) Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: ( Version: 4 Header length: 20 bytes Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00) 0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00) .... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0 .... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0 Total Length: 59 Identification: 0x0000 (0) Flags: 0x02 (Don't Fragment) 0.. = Reserved bit: Not Set .1. = Don't fragment: Set ..0 = More fragments: Not Set Fragment offset: 0 Time to live: 255 [Expert Info (Note/Sequence): "Time To Live" > 1 for a packet sent to the Local Network Control Block (see RFC 3171)] [Message: "Time To Live" > 1 for a packet sent to the Local Network Control Block (see RFC 3171)] [Severity level: Note] [Group: Sequence] Protocol: UDP (0x11) Header checksum: 0xd7f3 [correct] [Good: True] [Bad : False] Source: ( Destination: ( User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: mdns (5353), Dst Port: mdns (5353) Source port: mdns (5353) Destination port: mdns (5353) Length: 39 Checksum: 0x033a [validation disabled] [Good Checksum: False] [Bad Checksum: False] Domain Name System (query) Transaction ID: 0x0000 Flags: 0x0000 (Standard query) 0... .... .... .... = Response: Message is a query .000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0) .... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated .... ...0 .... .... = Recursion desired: Don't do query recursively .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data OK: Non-authenticated data is unacceptable Questions: 1 Answer RRs: 0 Authority RRs: 0 Additional RRs: 0 Queries alarmpi.local: type A, class IN, "QM" question Name: alarmpi.local Type: A (Host address) .000 0000 0000 0001 = Class: IN (0x0001) 0... .... .... .... = "QU" question: False Frame 9 (83 bytes on wire, 83 bytes captured) Arrival Time: Jul 19, 2012 09:11:25.651092000 [Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.000864000 seconds] [Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.000864000 seconds] [Time since reference or first frame: 2.137939000 seconds] Frame Number: 9 Frame Length: 83 bytes Capture Length: 83 bytes [Frame is marked: False] [Protocols in frame: eth:ip:udp:dns] Ethernet II, Src: b8:27:eb:ba:90:94 (b8:27:eb:ba:90:94), Dst: IPv4mcast_00:00:fb (01:00:5e:00:00:fb) Destination: IPv4mcast_00:00:fb (01:00:5e:00:00:fb) Address: IPv4mcast_00:00:fb (01:00:5e:00:00:fb) .... ...1 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Group address (multicast/broadcast) .... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default) Source: b8:27:eb:ba:90:94 (b8:27:eb:ba:90:94) Address: b8:27:eb:ba:90:94 (b8:27:eb:ba:90:94) .... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast) .... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default) Type: IP (0x0800) Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: ( Version: 4 Header length: 20 bytes Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00) 0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00) .... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0 .... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0 Total Length: 69 Identification: 0x0000 (0) Flags: 0x02 (Don't Fragment) 0.. = Reserved bit: Not Set .1. = Don't fragment: Set ..0 = More fragments: Not Set Fragment offset: 0 Time to live: 255 [Expert Info (Note/Sequence): "Time To Live" > 1 for a packet sent to the Local Network Control Block (see RFC 3171)] [Message: "Time To Live" > 1 for a packet sent to the Local Network Control Block (see RFC 3171)] [Severity level: Note] [Group: Sequence] Protocol: UDP (0x11) Header checksum: 0xd7ff [correct] [Good: True] [Bad : False] Source: ( Destination: ( User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: mdns (5353), Dst Port: mdns (5353) Source port: mdns (5353) Destination port: mdns (5353) Length: 49 Checksum: 0xa3ea [validation disabled] [Good Checksum: False] [Bad Checksum: False] Domain Name System (response) Transaction ID: 0x0000 Flags: 0x8400 (Standard query response, No error) 1... .... .... .... = Response: Message is a response .000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0) .... .1.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is an authority for domain .... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated .... ...0 .... .... = Recursion desired: Don't do query recursively .... .... 0... .... = Recursion available: Server can't do recursive queries .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ..0. .... = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion was not authenticated by the server .... .... .... 0000 = Reply code: No error (0) Questions: 0 Answer RRs: 1 Authority RRs: 0 Additional RRs: 0 Answers alarmpi.local: type A, class IN, cache flush, addr Name: alarmpi.local Type: A (Host address) .000 0000 0000 0001 = Class: IN (0x0001) 1... .... .... .... = Cache flush: True Time to live: 2 minutes Data length: 4 Addr: